Welcome to The Connector

We call it "The Connector" because this is how we connect with you and help you connect with others.
Prayer Requests - Faith Steps - Questions
How do we stay connected?  We keep in touch by praying for you, helping you take faith steps,
keeping you up to date on what's going on, and helping you stay engaged with God.  


Faith Steps are those steps we take as we walk with God. He is always moving us forward, calling us to new things. Maybe that's deciding to speak with a pastor, or follow Jesus for the first time... or the first time in a long time. Is God telling you to join a small group, get baptized, or begin volunteering? Whatever it is, our job it to support you and connect you to the path those steps of faith are moving you towards. 


It is our honor to pray with you and for you. Prayer is our first step in serving you. At each staff meeting, the first item on the agenda is the prayer requests we have received. Each request stays in that group. If you would like a request to stay with Pastor Matt only, indicate that on the Connector Card


Staying engaged with God is a priority for any Jesus follower. We can experience growth, healing, and revelation that inspires us to share God by serving others. Each person takes their own path, and God meets us where we are. We want to help you engage. Check out the page on engagement and let us know how we can help you develop a plan. 


Signing up for the SAF Loop allows us to send you information about what's happening in the SAF community.  This includes pertinent information about services, events, and opportunities. We will keep you in the loop about serious things, such as pandemic response, and fun things, like a community poll! Just indicate that you want to sign up for the loop when you fill out the Connector Card!